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Vin la tine sau hotel

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Vin la tine sau hotel

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Suntem aproape, am putea sa ne futem...Ce zici? Uita-te aici

Nume: Vin la tine sau hotel
Locatie: Bucuresti / Sector 2
Descriere: Sunt Aisha, o tipa eleganta, bruneta, discreta si te pot vizita la tine sau hotel daca doresti sa te simti excelent in compania mea. Te vizitez in 30 min daca ma alegi pe mine. Vei fii multumit si ma vei alege mereu. Hello dear gentleman. I am Aisha, I have a gorgeous natural body. I am expert in massage and I can also make fantasies , you can feel wonderful in my company and have a great conversation with you. I come to your place in 30 min . Please call me to ask about services and prices! BIG KISS AND HUG !!!
Vizualizari: 430

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